UL’s Financial Mathematics Course

Whether you’re planning to delve into the world of finance or simply wish to broaden your horizons, a financial mathematics course will teach you the basics of the field. This course will also give you the skills to work with commonplace financial maths and gain essential mathematical background to interpret your personal finances. The course consists of a series of videos and a short assessment. To get started, check out the course’s Module 1.

Module 1

The first module in the financial mathematics course introduces concepts in the study of mathematical relationships between two variables. Topics include the relationship between present and future value, deterministic models, and the equation of value and its applications. The course provides practice in using these mathematical formulas in real-life scenarios.

Practical exercises and case studies reinforce concepts. Upon completion, students will be able to interpret financial statements and use statistical analysis to determine future … READ MORE ...

When Should You Get a Loan For Your Business?

Do you face the dilemma, whether to lend money to start a business faster, ask the state for a business grant, or start more slowly? Don’t worry, you are not alone.

As a first step, make a list of all the investments that are necessary to be able to start your business, as well as to ensure the development during the first three months. Remember to add smaller items to the list, as smaller things make up more.

Also check– Instant loans

The list of business investment expenses may include:

  • Start-up expenses establishment of a business
  • Permissions documents
  • Deposit for rent or rent
  • Office supplies
  • Software
  • Vehicles
  • Marketing/advertising
  • Licenses, copyrights
  • E-shop or website
  • Reserve for your private expenses for the first three months
  • Legal advice, etc.

Plan (at least) twice, pay once

Before you pay for any item, first consider whether you really need it and whether you can … READ MORE ...

Outsourcing Call Centers – How To Get Value For Your Money

Outsourcing Call Centers - How To Get Value For Your Money

Business is in the process of going global. There is an increasing need to reach large global markets even when sitting in one corner of the world. This means that businesses must have the bandwidth, training, and resources to provide seamless, seamless service to customers spread all over the world. For most companies, this is not possible. In addition, the current economy demands that businesses cut costs to stay ahead of their competition.

The Most Effective and Efficient Way to Reduce Costs

Outsourcing work to the call center is the most effective and efficient way to reduce costs while providing quality service at all times. Outsourcing eliminates the stress and hassle associated with managing and operating an in-house call center. It also eliminates worries about rising equipment costs and recruiting more people. By outsourcing to help them, companies can focus on their core competencies. Overall, this is a simple solution … READ MORE ...

How to Fight Gossip at Work

How to Fight Gossip at Work

Gossip is one of the biggest negative causes and fights in any workplace. Gossip not only creates bad blood among employees but also wastes a lot of productive time. Offices affected by this bug can damage the atmosphere of the entire organization and reduce the morale of workers.

Rumors and gossip can make employees lack trust in others and can sabotage teamwork. Fake or excessive news can make people feel insecure and create uncomfortable situations. Often, innocent and hardworking workers fall victim to these rumors which can have a devastating effect on their careers and also the company.

One of the best ways to fight gossip is to stop it. Find the exact source of the rumor and put it out there. Rumors and rumors spread virally, eliminating it at its own source. When a colleague indulges a rumor with you find out his intentions. Did he benefit from spreading … READ MORE ...

R&D Tax Credit Claims Hit New High – Is Your Business Eligible?

R&D tax relief claims see a rapid increase

Newly released statistics from HMRC show that businesses are rapidly taking up the incentive to claim for R&D tax credits. In 2015-16, claims increased by 25 per cent, with a whopping £3.7bn being claimed by large and small companies across the nation.

Further, the latest figures from HMRC show that 39,960 claims have been made for 2016-17 – a significant increase compared to the 26,255 that were reported for 2015-16 at the same time last year. Small and medium-sized businesses in particular are taking advantage of the relief, with 34,060 having claimed in 2016-17 compared to just 15,585 in 2013-14.

This is great news for the UK’s economy – it shows that organisations are continuing to invest in research and development, keeping us at the forefront of innovation.

Is your work eligible?

The majority of claims, however, have come from only three … READ MORE ...