How You Can Convert Your Property into an HMO

How You Can Convert Your Property into an HMOAn HMO, or house in multiple occupation, is a property that has been rented to three or more tenants who are not part of the same household or family. A lot of landlords have HMOs because they are considered a more effective way of running a rental portfolio. This is often related to being able to collect rent from a higher number of tenants, but the location of the property can also drive this decision.

There are some renters who choose to live in an HMO because the rental payments will generally be cheaper. They may also prefer to live with more people. House-shares are common among younger renters and students which makes HMOs a viable option for a lot of potential landlords.

If you are thinking of converting your property into an HMO, there are some steps that you need to work through first. This will include meeting the … READ MORE ...

Top Secrets – Making Your Office a Great Environment to Work In

Does your company provide a great working environment?Top Secrets - Making Your Office a Great Environment to Work In If not, this guide from a property management company will help create a great working space for your employee, helping you attract and retain the best employee in the industry.

For a better understanding of why you should focus on making your company a good place to work, herein are top reasons to do so.

  • You make your staff feel valued as and an integral part of the company
  • You are better able to draw a lot more ingenuity and creativity from your employee, which increases your growth opportunities
  • Keeping your staff happy ensures you are better able to retain them, even when your competitors offer higher salaries
  • A great work environment improves your workers’ wellbeing
  • Improved workers’ wellbeing leads to better productivity and lowers sick days – which lower business costs and improves the bottom line
  • It is now known across