Why People Love the Kredittkort and Why Do They have more of them?

More than a billion people around the globe use some kind of credit card. There are over 2 billion cards issued and used by their owners. Trillions of dollars are in circulation thanks to credit cards. The economy is growing steadily because of their existence.

Why people love credit cards is not a mystery. Some people are confused by the fact that users only lose by paying with them, but everyone that ever owned one will tell you that aside from the negative sides, there are also benefits that shouldn’t be ignored.

These benefits are the reason why so many people applied for one. Americans are the most satisfied users of all. They have four of them in their wallet on average. Some Americans even have more than 10, which they use in different situations and for different needs.

In this article, we’re sharing some information on the famous kredittkort, … READ MORE ...

Why Your Online Business Should Embrace Bitcoin

Why Your Online Business Should Embrace Bitcoin

If you run a business online and still rely on traditional payment methods, you are trading at a disadvantage. Card payments may be based on the transfer of digital information, but they were not invented with the internet in mind. Accordingly, they are cumbersome, slow and leave both the buyer and the seller open to fraud or the theft of sensitive information. Commonly-used online payment methods like PayPal are not so much the solution to this problem as a way to exploit it, with big profits going to the provider.

Cryptocurrencies are the only payment method created by and for internet natives. They represent a digital currency for a digital era and, of course, the most well-established cryptocurrency of all is bitcoin. Although it has many rivals, bitcoin is presently the most secure and widely accepted cryptocurrency on the planet. It is also the one that has gained the most … READ MORE ...

International B2B Portal Helps Increase Your Global Business Market

International B2B Portal Helps Increase Your Global Business Market

There is great competition in every business today which traditionally conducts international trade is very difficult. For that, we need a very large investment of time and money. In the beginning, international trade in small businesses was almost impossible due to lack of resources, only large businesses were involved in international business. Today, the internet has brought drastic changes to the business scenario. With the help of information from the B2B portal today not only big businesses but small businesses also carry out international trade. These portals offer international trade services at economical prices. The resources needed to do business through online trading portals are very few.

B2B Trading

B2B trading is a transaction between a business and its volume is higher so every trader must be careful about safe trading. To get international trade from the online Business to Business portal, you must register and post-trade leads. The online … READ MORE ...

How Open Source Can Help You Start an Online Business on a Shoe String

image source

Open source can be defined as: The practice of development, in may cases, of computer software where the source files or codes are made freely available to the public. Open Source presents a framework that in many cases have been tried and tested. Hundreds or sometimes thousands of programmers work to create one solution.

Examples of popular and widely supported Open Sources for Internet businesses include; Joomla and Drupal for web development, OS commerce, Magento, zen cart etc for shopping carts


When your system is built through Open Source, you have thousands and sometimes millions of other users using a similar product, if you run into problems, all you need to do is post a question and within hours and sometimes even minutes, someone with a similar problem or who has encountered a similar problem before will be able to provide a solution for you


Using … READ MORE ...

Can You Survive Without a Health Insurance Plan?

A suitable health insurance acts as a savior during any health hazards. Besides many benefits, it can surely guarantee holistic wellness. By staying proactive for your health you can prevent many ailments. There are many kinds of plans that you can choose from. Some of the types that you can select from are as follows.

Sno. Type of Health Insurance Plan
1. Individual Plans
2. Group Plans
3. Family Floater
4. Critical Illness
5. Disease-Specific
6. Senior Citizen


All these plans have different features. You can select the one that is most suitable for your requirements. For selecting any one of the plans you can also visit any online comparison site for insurance. PolicyX is one of the leading web aggregators that can help you in selecting the suitable plan of your choice.

Kavya an IT professional chose Senior Citizen Red Carpet Health Insurance Policy from Star Health Insurance READ MORE ...