Is a Minority Small Business Loan Right For You?

If you are looking for a minority business loan, you might want to explore other creative business start-up funding options at the same time. Have you investigated the possibility of forgoing traditional bank loans and government-backed financing?

If you are starting a company initially or have been around in business for just 2 yrs, you might consider the option of bootstrapping. Bootstrapping your brand-new venture can provide the start-up business financing you need – without big loans from banks.

Can Bootstrapping Help Me Raise the Money I Need?

The response is yes. Bootstrapping will help you to reduce or eliminate start-up costs and operating expenses. In some cases, utilizing this financing strategy may make the requirement of a minority small business loan unnecessary. The key is being aware of what resources are for sale to you.

I recently showed a customer how to save over $230 per month on business … READ MORE ...