R&D Tax Credit Claims Hit New High – Is Your Business Eligible?

R&D tax relief claims see a rapid increase

Newly released statistics from HMRC show that businesses are rapidly taking up the incentive to claim for R&D tax credits. In 2015-16, claims increased by 25 per cent, with a whopping £3.7bn being claimed by large and small companies across the nation.

Further, the latest figures from HMRC show that 39,960 claims have been made for 2016-17 – a significant increase compared to the 26,255 that were reported for 2015-16 at the same time last year. Small and medium-sized businesses in particular are taking advantage of the relief, with 34,060 having claimed in 2016-17 compared to just 15,585 in 2013-14.

This is great news for the UK’s economy – it shows that organisations are continuing to invest in research and development, keeping us at the forefront of innovation.

Is your work eligible?

The majority of claims, however, have come from only three … READ MORE ...

Financial Mathematics TopicsThe Library has an extensive collections of mathematics and economic journals, both on the internet and in print. Mathematics at Kent was ranked 19th for course satisfaction in The Guardian University Guide 2017. This module considers the development of the role of management in organisations, the value of strategic analysis and decision generating to allow sustainable development and the distinct contexts in which organisations may well operate.

The new strategy offers a deeper understanding of the optimization troubles, and it also extends the scope of applications. This module explores some of the fundamental ideas of statistics, from information summarisation to the primary methods of statistical inference.

You will also explore the mathematics applied to monetary and investment problems, and appear at how organisations handle their human and monetary sources to achieve and keep competitive benefit. In this module, we study how appropriate models can be constructed, how to match them … READ MORE ...