A Case For Fan Funded Business Model!

Technologically astute companies like Apple have re-written the music business landscape and set themselves as an essential player. This again reinstates the fact that the future players might be those with “Business Systems”

Musicians, Labels (Indie and Majors), Managers and Bands are not going to be left out. They are taking strides and advancing towards the development of better implies of monetization.

Where we are these days

Aside from the new Ad-based model, Subscription-Based Models and GOD knows what’s to come – mainly because technology nevertheless appears to be at infancy, Fan Model appears here to remain. You will find many players like Sellaband, Pledge Music, Slice The Pie, etc. The majority of these work around the notion of Sellaband’s mission that is “To unite Artists and Fans in an independent movement that aims to level the playing field within the global music industry.”

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