The Recruiting Trends That Will Stay in 2019

Several new recruiting trends appeared in the last year. The Recruiting Trends That Will Stay in 2019This year, these trends will be adopted and implemented on a greater scale. As a recruiter, it is important to know what the modern methods are that will shape the hiring process.

Say Goodbye to Paper Resumes

The future of recruiting is also signaling the end of paper resumes. Soft skills are becoming more important for many organisations. Social media profiles and video submissions can provide a better first impression that goes beyond a paper document, especially for marketing director jobs.

For the hiring company, this means keeping up with trends and being able to accommodate new technology. For the job seeker, this means developing an integrated personal brand via their social media profiles, personal website and digital portfolio.

Go Mobile

Google has announced that they are moving to a mobile-first indexing system. While search engine optimisation has not … READ MORE ...