How Your Business Is Losing Money by Not Marketing With Postcards

Postcard marketing is one of the oldest forms of marketing. Due to their format, these are one of the few pieces of mailed marketing collateral that allow instant viewing. However, many organizations are losing around the great things about envelope-free deliverability, lower postage rates, as well as the brand recognition that postcards bring; and thus are losing a substantial chunk of prospects.

Lose Brand Awareness –

Name recognition is one of the few stuff that you can not put a monetary value on but provides so much in exchange in the long-term. With multiple means of building name recognition, postcards can provide something hardly any marketing tools can. They can be easily mailed, handed face-to-face, or left out in public places. Perfect for any guerrilla advertising campaign, they are the ultimate sales tool with regards to portability.

Don’t Have Geographic Location –

People will not have access to a clue … READ MORE ...